Thursday, February 10, 2011


Jon has had a terrible bug the past three weeks, and my body has been impressively fighting to not get it. I've done very well until the first day of our vacation.

Once we got to Vegas, I lost my voice. I've been having dry coughing fits and now my chest cavity is in immense pain, it even feels like I've hurt my ribs. Last year I had whooping cough, one of the worst things ever, so I was afraid of that happening again. And every spring I tend to get Tonsillitis or Strep Throat... not how I want to spend my vacation.

Yesterday I woke up in our hotel at 6am, sore throat and coughing. We got ready and headed to Whole Foods for some Echinacea. TO ANYONE READING, I swear by this stuff, I mix about 40 drops with juice and it work miracles whenever I have any sort of throat problems.

Last night, after driving another 6 hours, I was exhausted. Looking forward to sleep, I took some prescribed Hydrocodone at 9pm and hit the hay. I tossed and turned ALL NIGHT, 11 hours of staring at the wall, feeling all sorts of awful, and I maybe got 10 minutes of sleep.

Now I'm in sort of a dreaming state. We're about to meet my mom for lunch and get this girl a hair cut. Here's to hoping for a nap!

Here's where we spent a majority of our time in Vegas. Our hotel room had mirrored ceilings and a tub as big as my kitchen! Mama did good.


  1. mmm, when i had bronchitis last month, i swore by my yogi echinacea tea :)

  2. Oh my gosh! :( That's awful. I know how much it sucks to get sick as you go on vacation. I was sick for like 3 weeks and thought it was a cold gone sinus infection but it's just really bad allergies. Never had them before. SO awful!

    My friend swears by Wellness Formula pills you can get at Whole Foods. I had my bf use them and they seemed to work! They have echinacea too. I buy this Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Echinacea Throat Coat tea and it's my jam. I also like their Breathe Easy tea as well. It really helps. I hope you feel better soon and you can enjoy your vacation.
